Your certified guide to

holistic living and mindful nutrition

Work with Me…

  • 1:1 Coaching Program

    This is a 6-month journey with me as your health coach, focusing on your goals, individual needs and overall lifestyle. We will commit to meeting at the same time twice a month. I look forward to working with you!

INtegrative Nutrition Health

I approach coaching holistically, meaning I believe in the mind, body, spirit connection. Wellness is not just about eating whole, nutritious foods and getting daily movement, its also about what nourishes you off the plate - your career, passions, relationships, spirituality and so on. It’s understanding the interconnected nature between all things in your life and how they influence and impact one another.

During my studies, I was lucky enough to be exposed to over 100 different dietary theories, coaching tools and teachings from 95 of the worlds leading experts in health and wellness. Some of which include prominent physicians and researchers, professional coaches, business innovators, spiritual guides and bestselling authors.

Continuous learning is very important to me. Since I received my coaching certification from IIN, I’ve also completed separate mini courses: Whole-Person Health and Detox Your Life. Both look at supporting our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health through comprehensive strategies for reducing toxins and providing additional tips and exercises to further strengthen my coaching skills.


Creating a plan that works for you